Sunday, December 27, 2009

Starting the New Year

Kip and I are preparing for his 25th birthday party/New Year's Eve party. This year we've decided the theme would be Winter Wonderland. There will be snowflakes and everything with be silver and blue. We've got lighted snowflakes for the front walkway and signature drinks lined up for the evening.

We have much to celebrate from this past year. First we got married. Second, Kip graduated from the University of Phoenix. Lastly, I decided what to complete my degree in. I am currently a junior at Boise State University, with 2 years left to go. I've been working on my core classes and I am ready for upper division. Life isn't ready for me yet. All of my classes are scheduled during my 8 to 5 job. So I will take another hiatus from college, until I can find a new job that will allow me to take classes during the day. This will be a considerable feat considering the economy.

There are other parts of my career plan that are also on hold. The purpose for choosing a major in Graphic Design is to create my own wedding and personal stationery. I intend to purchase a letterpress machine to complete my work on. I can't wait to get started.

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