Sunday, August 8, 2010

DIY Picture Frame Plant Shelf

A friend of ours brought over some random scraps of wood a few weeks ago and made a joke that I could build picture frames from it. The piece that prompted the joke was 3 sides of what looked like a small dresser mirror frame.
Instantly, I coveted it and snatched it from our burn pile. I thought I would find a way to hang a sign or some other decor for the garden. That idea prompted me to start thinking of the materials I had on hand and what I could make. The result is this plant ledge.
I took the frame for the top, a scrap from some plywood, and leftover pieces of the chair rail we installed to use for the trim.
Kip cut all my pieces and screwed it together. Today I painted it Sunglow Yellow (Valspar) and drilled holes for some S hooks. Not only is it cute, but it holds our 2 sprinklers and hangs the 2 spray nozzles! So...what'da ya think?

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