Thursday, September 23, 2010

From a Favorite: Silhouette Giveaway

About a year ago, I learned what a blog is. I know, I know - way late in the game. I never thought I'd be doing it or that I would like following someone. But now I have about 20 that I read daily, and I'm doing my best to post weekly. I've always loved reading and writing, so it would follow that eventually it would lead to doing it online.

Well, today is my lucky day (hopefully). My favorite blog just posted the most amazing giveaway: a Silhouette. I am drooling!  Not literally...almost.  :)  Go visit Kathleen and read her stuff. You won't regret it and you will definately want in on the giveaway. I bought a Slice a year ago and hardly use it because it's so complicated and messy. I skimped and now regret it. I wanted the Silhouette and I should have bought it. Hopefully, I can get it now.  :)

Visit Twig and Thistle here --->

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